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1.2 Account Policy

  1.2.1 Account Provisioning Policy

In order to use CHPC systems (excluding help desk and wiki), you need to create a CHPC account. To request a CHPC account, you can go to Below are the policies for creating a CHPC account.

  1. Eligibility
    1. Anyone who is affiliated with The University of Utah or Utah State University and has a valid University of Utah uNID can create a CHPC account.
    2. All accounts must be sponsored by a member of The University of Utah or Utah State University faculty with a CHPC Account. Such faculty are known as CHPC PIs. 
    3. Utah State faculty accounts are provisioned by CHPC. If you are faculty at Utah State and want to be setup as a CHPC PI, send the required information in the top section of the affiliate uNID request form (see mockup for details) to Once Utah State faculty are provisioned with CHPC accounts, they may request uNIDS for members of their research group using the affiliate uNID request form.
    4. Outside entities may be provisioned with a CHPC account provided it is sponsored by University of Utah or Utah State faculty (see point 2). Such entities are known as Affiliates. Such accounts are provisioned only after they have been issued a campus uNID, which may be requested by the sponsoring faculty. See gNID Request. On the affiliate uNID request form for outside entities, please be sure to select "10020 - CHPC" for the affiliate type and "00640 - CHPC. Ctr High Perf Computing" as the Authorizing Department.
    5. Requests for CHPC PI accounts are screened and approved by CHPC staff. New CHPC PIs are urged to meet with a member of CHPC User Services to discuss their research and obtain assistance with CHPC resources.
  2. When your account is provisioned you will be provided with the following services:
    1. Access to CHPC computational clusters
    2. A CHPC home directory (the default CHPC home directory file system is not backed up and has a 50 Gb quota)
    3. Access to CHPC user web applications
      In addition, you will have access to the CHPC wiki space and you will be subscribed to the appropriate CHPC e-mail lists in order to be notified of downtimes, problems and important system changes.
  3. If you are in a group that is provided with CHPC Desktop services:
    Your home directory will be accessible on your desktop as well as the computational clusters.
  4. If you are in a group that purchased CHPC file storage:
    1. Your CHPC home directory will be placed in your group's home space with quotas and backups determined by your group's agreement with CHPC.
    2. Your CHPC home directory will be accessible on your desktop as well as the computational clusters.

 1.2.2 Account Removal and Locking Policy

This document describes CHPC policies for account removal. Accounts that fall into disuse represent a burden on CHPC systems, but may also contain important research data or other sensitive information which CHPC PIs (or other University entities) may wish to preserve.

  1. An account is eligible for deletion under the following circumstances:
    1. When a CHPC PI requests the deletion in writing, or via email/issue tracker.
    2. When a user indicates via email or writing that they no longer need the account.
    3. When CHPC staff determines that an account is unused or very old.
    4. When a user departs the University and is no longer affiliated as determined by affiliation status per University of Utah Human Resources and information systems. See gNID Account. If we receive notice of an HR action of termination, CHPC will immediately lock the user out of the Protected Environment (PE) access (if applicable), and then contact the PI for clarification on future affiliation.  


      Note that if you wish to continue your work with the user departing the University, you may request that their account be provisioned as a an affiliate using the affiliate form through the HR department. When filling out the form, be sure to select "10017 Visiting Scholars" for the "Affiliate Type". This will insure that the user is provisioned such that they may access CHPC systems.
  2. When an account becomes eligible for deletion, CHPC takes the following steps:
    1. The user's account is locked, which removes all access to CHPC systems.
    2. If initiated by CHPC or a non-PI entity, the responsible PI is notified of the pending deletion and given an opportunity to copy any data associated with the user's home directory to another location, or to request a backup to tape of the data. The PI may request that the data in the user's home directory be preserved if proper justification is given.
    3. The user is notified of the pending deletion via email. CHPC will make every attempt to notify the user through all known emails. CHPC policy is to give thirty days advance notice to the user to retrieve any files they wish to preserve. The user must reply to CHPC and request that their account be unlocked in order to retrieve the data.
    4. If the user wishes to retain their account, they must find another faculty sponsor for their research. In this case, the account may be transferred to the new PI. If the PI does not have a CHPC account, they will need to create one.
    5. After thirty days have elapsed (and pending any user or PI requests to copy data), CHPC removes the user's account and the associated home directory. Files owned by the deleted user are NOT cleaned up on any GROUP space, any of the /scratch file systems or any local disks on user's workstations. CHPC PIs must request a cleanup of files in their GROUP spaces. The /scratch files will be cleaned up as they age according to the /scratch file system policies. See 3.1 File Storage Policies for details. CHPC reserves the right to cleanup peripheral storage spaces owned by deleted users. 
    6. In order to access CHPC systems after an account is deleted, the user must request a new account. 
  3. Special policies relating to account security
    1. CHPC reserves the right to lock any account at any time. Account sharing is strictly prohibited by university policy: refer to account use in acceptable use policy section III at
    2. CHPC also reserves the right to revoke access to and retain any data or files that may be used as evidence of violation of any CHPC Terms of Use, Security Policy, or University Regulation, or as part of a legal investigation. Please refer to section 1.6.1 of the CHPC Policy Manual for clarification of CHPC Security Policies.
    3. User accounts where the University has revoked credentials for the user at the Campus level cannot be unlocked by CHPC staff. Provided that the user's data is not subject to an investigation by the University, CHPC staff will work with PIs or associated researchers to provide access to the user's data.
    4. A PI may request that a user's account be locked at anytime, independent of account deletion. If the request is sensitive in nature, please contact CHPC via


Last Updated: 1/6/25