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Frisco Nodes

CHPC has a set of eight nodes,, X=1-8, that can be used in a similar manner to the CHPC general cluster login or interactive nodes, i.e.,  Each of these nodes also has the FastX server installed. 

As these frisco nodes are not cluster interactive nodes on which users rely on to submit work to the compute nodes, the usage of the frisco nodes is more relaxed than that specified in the CHPC acceptable interactive node usage policy.  However, they are still shared, general resources available to all CHPC users, and as such we do monitor their usage and will notify any user who is overloading the nodes. These nodes should not be used in lieu of using the batch system to access compute nodes for long runs and/or those that need multiple cores or large memory.  In this case you can use the interactive batch session as described on the Slurm documentation page.

Example of good usage would be to run applications with which you need to interact with such as matlab, rstudio, and vmd. In addition, if you application has a graphical user interface, the frisco nodes will be a good resource to use. As listed below, and further described on the FastX page, note that all frisco nodes have graphics cards and therefore are good choices for any application that either requires or can take advantage of using virtualgl (as an example, vmd). The performance of the GPUs is, in descending order, Quadro K420, GeForce GT 1030, GeForce GTX 760, GeForce GTX 730.  Some applications on Friscos may also be accessible via Open OnDemand.

Below is a description of the individual nodes. 

frisco1: 40 physical cores (Intel), 384GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco2:  28 physical cores (Intel), 128 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco3: 16 physical cores (AMD), 128 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco424 physical cores (AMD), 512 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco524 physical cores (AMD), 512 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco6: 16 physical cores (Intel), 128 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco7: 16 physical cores (AMD), 128 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

frisco8: 16 physical cores (AMD), 128 GB memory, Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 GPU

Last Updated: 3/6/25