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Registration Open for CHPC's  Build a Cluster Boot CampDate

Posted: June 3, 2019

'Build a Cluster’ Boot Camp – 2019

July 15th - 19th
Core class time: 10am - 3pm each day
Additional work time: 3pm - 5pm each day

Location: University Downtown Data Center

The University of Utah applies to field a team for the Student Cluster Competition held during the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing conference every year. The team consists of 6, plus additional alternates, undergraduate students along with support from School of Computing faculty and Center for High Performance Computing staff. The competition's primary objective is to expose undergraduates to supercomputing and consists of building and managing a cluster and running representative benchmarks and applications. Applications come from a diverse set of domains, e.g. data sciences, bioinformatics, cryptography, earth sciences, etc. The Utah team placed 2nd overall in 2016, and 7th in 2017. Here's a  SL Trib article about the U’s 2016 team. The conference organizers are interested in teams that are diverse in terms of different backgrounds and disciplines and inclusive of women and other groups underrepresented in computing.

Since most undergraduates have not been exposed to the different aspects of supercomputing or High Performance Computing, the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) started to hold a ‘build a cluster’ boot camp. The boot camp is intended as a general introduction to supercomputing and cluster management and should be attractive to students beyond those interested in participating in the student cluster competition.

While Utah was not selected to send a team to this year’s competition, we will still host this boot camp to help support preparations for next year.  Please email me at if you have any questions that I can help answer.

If participating in this ‘build a cluster’ boot camp interests you, please fill out the google form found at: Build A Cluster Boot Camp. Due to space and resource restrictions, the number of participants we can accommodate is limited.  Preference will be given to undergraduate students; however if space remains others interested (graduate students, post docs, staff, etc)  will be allowed to attend. 

Applications are due by by midnight, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th. After that date, we will review all applications and notify those chosen to attend.

Feel free to forward this to anyone else on campus who might be interested.

Last Updated: 2/24/25