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CHPC ANNOUNCEMENT: Update to the Open OnDemand servers

Date Posted: February 09, 2022

On February 9th, 2022 we will be modifying the underlying infrastructure of the Open OnDemand interactive apps in order to make their deployment more sustainable. While this change should go unnoticed there is a chance that a certain interactive app start dialog may not load or give an error. If that happens, please try again in a few minutes.
The following changes will also be implemented:
  • The RStudio Server all will include the latest R versions. We will be also starting deprecation of the 3.6 series of the R in the app. If you still use R 3.6, please, move to a newer version.
  • The Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab apps were consolidated into a single app with a pull down menu to choose between the two. Another new pull down menu allows to choose several pre-installed Python installation or user defined Python installation.
  • all the apps list all available versions that we have installed
Last Updated: 1/11/23